National Time Refund Day
Wouldn’t it be nice if TIME worked differently?
We get a bonus day this year on February 29th! While Leap Year started in the time of Julius Caesar, it wasn’t until 2020 that it was termed National Time Refund Day. This term implies that we’ve already spent this time and we get it back.
Maybe we could take back the comment that we didn’t mean, or redo that awkward situation at that networking mixer and make it go smoother this time, or just eliminate every night that the fire alarm went off at 3am. Wouldn’t it be great if time worked that way?
What if we could use the time refund day to go back and see people that are missed? I would want to have 1 more cup of coffee with my dad, even if I’m annoyed because I’ve had 3 already and errands are calling, and he’s still taking 20 minutes to finish his black swill. What if we could spend one more lunch making grandma’s potato soup recipe - because it’s was the yummiest thing in the world, but even though we helped her every time, we were only 5 and we have no idea what she actually put in it, but we remember of the joy-filled feeling of picking the potatoes out of the garden and being in the kitchen together. What if we could have one more shopping holiday with mom? or even just a Saturday morning waking up to hot pancakes…even if they are burnt?
What if we could use this time refund to transport to a place - not just a place in time?
We could spend the day having coffee with the friend that moved 4 hours away and just you don’t get to talk often enough. We could go for the day to see an aunt that we haven’t seen in several years that even though you talk on the phone some, it just doesn’t feel the same as being together? Or maybe we could get away for just 1 day to the most magical place on earth?
But Alas, our mind is our only transport and our memories are our guide and time doesn’t work this way. BUT instead of going backward, what if we could pay time forward? What if we could use this bonus day to set intention and focus and call something into our life?
While Leap Day feels like a gift of a bonus day, what if we use this day to create more of the things we enjoy and more of the memories we want in every day?
I can take this day and fill my heart with the love and gratitude that I have felt in those past moments of deep connection and breathe it in and hold space in my heart and in my mind for how I want to use love and gratitude daily in the connections I have with the people around me now and take a moment to think through some simple actions steps to be able to include that in my daily habits.
I can’t go back and have coffee with my dad, but I can create meals and memories with my family as it is now. I can’t find Grandma’s potato soup recipe (let’s face it, even if I could no one but me would eat it. lol), but I can make some memories of creating a fun space to play outdoors and maybe help my family them grow some things to use in what recipes we do enjoy. I can set a time to talk to that friend. I can call the aunts and uncles. I can take a break and make a photo book of times that are long gone, but that need to be long remembered. I can schedule in a date night, a massage, a vacation, a video call, a thoughtful gift, a journal entry, a kindness…
Leave me a comment and let me know what you come up with for your intention for your bonus day!