Top 5 Gluten Free Snacks For Traveling or A Day-on-the-GO!
Whether you are already using a Gluten Free diet, you are just starting out or you just want yummy, healthy & filling snacks for you & your family, these snacks are a great place to start!
Snack #1
Stef’s Favorite Beef Protein Snack
I love these for a quick protein on the go. They have several flavor options available. I’ll admit I haven’t tried the other flavors because I love the Original Flavor so much. These are made from 100% Grass Fed Beef and are gluten free, soy free and made without MSG. They are naturally fermented with no nitrates or nitrites except those naturally occuring in celery juice and sea salt. For only 70 calories, these have 6g of protein and 0 carbs. They do have 5 grams of fat and 220mg of Sodium.
Snack #2
Stef’s Favorite Organic Vegan Protein Bar
This is my Go-To Snack bar for any days out, and most of my days in, too. These bars are organic, gluten-free, vegan clean and fodmap friendly. GoMacro had a ton of varieties of flavors. The one in the picture is chocolate with chocolate chips. While it has 37g of carbs and 10g of fat, it offers 10g of protein, 10% DV of iron and 4% DV each of calcium and potassium.
Snack #3
Stef’s Favorite Fruit Snack
(that doesn’t require a cooler)
So I love having fruit available, but sometimes fresh fruit isn’t practical to cart around — you either need to peel it or keep it cool, or a handy safe place to dispose of it that won’t make a mess. Dried fruit is great, too, but it can have hidden sugars or stickiness that may also be problematic. So we often use Freeze Dried Fruit. Brothers All Natural brand has several options like banana, fuji apples, peaches, asian pears and more.
Snack #4
Stef’s Favorite Lightly Salted Snack
This gluten-free corn and rice puff snack is an easy grab for snacks on the go. Each 1/2 oz pouch only has 70 calories, 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of fat and only 9 carbs. It does have 95mg of Sodium and is great if you just need something crunchy with a little salt. While this snack is gluten-free and is made with no artificial colors or preservatives, it does contain bioengineered ingredients and dairy. Even still, this snack remains a staple in our house for both me and Liam and now also a treat for Tank. lol.
Snack #5
Stef’s Favorite Protein & Fiber Snack
This little gem was a surprise find at a random meandering down the breakfast bar aisle at Publix. It has only 16g of carbs, 5g of protein and 4g of dietary fiber. For only 190 calories, this offers 6% DV of Iron and 4% each of Potassium and Calcium. While this is made with tree nuts and some soy, this snack is NON-GMO and considered a low-sodium snack. I do find these melt in the car or if used in a bag, so I try to only take these if I know we will be in a cooler place like a museum or only in the evening if it’s during the summer.
While these solutions may not be able to work for everyone, I’ve found them helpful. In recent years, there is a lot more awareness of gluten friendly foods and overall allergy-friendliness with menus and with products, but so much more still needs to be done. If I can only share 1 tip about being on an extremely specific diet is ALWAYS CARRY A SNACK WITH YOU! You never know what will be available, how long you will be out, or what will detain you from staying on your intended schedule and if you can’t just stop anywhere on the side of the road, having a solid food plan can be so beneficial to you (and if you are like me when I get hungry…to everyone around me. lol)
Let me know what your favorite tip is for being out and about with your family, too!
As always, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?!